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 约茶吗通过红茶为链接点,以喝茶的方式,组建社交圈子,培养社群生态,从而创造商业及社会价值的一种新商业丶新思维和新生活方式。为解决线上茶叶销售缺乏体验感和茶叶电商虚假问题,将线上线下进行整合, 约茶吗自建涉茶产业链,提供原产地有机丶健康的多元化茶类产品,设立品牌茶销售体验店。用户在网上看好商品,可直接去距离自己最近的线下体验店喝茶,也可让附近的体验店把泡好的茶提供到家服务,体验效果好后才下单购买,享受线上丶线下一个价格。同时三合一O2O模式减少了中间的流通环节,砍掉了中间经销商的利润,减少了经销商压货的资金压力,从而缩减成本,更大让利于消费者,为消费者提供优质的产品及满意的服务。

DIB Data Invention Biotechnology was established in 2015 at University College London, UK, and was acquired by Hong Kong Aibisheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in 2018.The main focus of our production is the manufacturing of high-quality animal sera for biotech, diagnostic, and research applications. Our team is highly trained, experienced, and motivated to fulfill your requests and orders in time.
Our products maintain the high standards in quality assurance and quality control. We promise that the product quality maintains specificity, stability and continuity from our facility to the hands of customers through continuous verification of production, testing and logistics procedures.
We have a professional team to provide technical support within 24 hours and experimental solutions within 1 week. To serve you well is our utmost commitment.
Please contact us if we can assist and encourage your research.
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